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We are Children of Destiny

Alive Believers Church started in 2004 as a Prayer Group in the home of our founding Pastors, Rev. Dr. Johnson and Rev. Dr. Dee Abimbola. The Church moved from there to Tuebrook Community Centre the same year, and Ann Downies Guest House, Liverpool Council’s Community Centre, before it finally settled at 158, Prescot Road in Liverpool. The church soon overspilled and began to search for a bigger worship space.

The Church now sits divinely in an edifice at 259, Boaler street in the heart of Liverpool from 2010. So from humble beginnings in 2005 when the Church was nicknamed “5-Alive”, Alive now occupies an enviable position in ecclestical circles in the UK, growing daily as men, women, children and families are being converted to the Lord and putting their faith in Jesus as the Lord and Incarnate Son of our Living God.

Our Core Values

Alive Believers core values are evangelism, discipleship, community empowerment and church as a family, seeking daily to build the Total Person and encouraging worshippers to continue to continue daily with one accord in the santuary, breaking bread as the Lord commands, eating fellowship meals together with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God in Songs, in Hymns, in Spiritual songs and having favour with all the people. And the Lord adding to the church daily to those who are being saved. Thus, the founding vision of presenting Jesus as the Lord has remained the same over the years, and the Church is matching on by His grace.

In our zeal to move on with Christian of like minds, we are members of the Evangelical alliance, adhering to their statement of faith.

We are A Worshipping Church

Music is in the soul of Alive Believers Church. We agree absolutely with apostle Paul in Ephesians 5:19 that we speak to one another with psalms, hymns and songs from the Spirit. Singing and making music from our heart to the Lord.

We focus on lively worship every Sunday with a dynamic, dramatic and dialogical Praise Team. Nobody goes home the same way we came. A first timer gave feedback that their soul was lifted up to God as they worshipped like never before.

We are a Praying Church

Prayer is the key we use to unlock mysteries around human trials, tribulations and life challenges that come to our attention.

We work through a team of intercessors, women and men who have dedicated themselves to taking all matters presented to them to the Lord in prayer. Testimonies from large number of people seeking prayer support show that the days of miracles are not over. Our God is matching on.

We are a full gospel bible believing church

We agree with Paul’s letter to Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 that “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man (and woman) of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” We believe in Old & New Testaments as God-breathed as written in Hebrews 4:12 “it is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart”.

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Our Core Values 

We believe that we are an extension of God’s Kingdom on earth, people for whom Jesus died (and rose), Royal priests, Holy nation, peculiar people who have been called out of darkness to occupy the seat of glory on earth reconciling God’s people unto Him by loving Jesus Christ and sharing the love to all creatures “where the sun doth its successive journey run.”

We believe at Alive Believers Church that we are called to impact the lives of people everywhere we go in the whole world. Our passion is that everyone on earth will know Jesus as the Christ and the Incarnate Son of God, they will put their trust in Him, and inherit the Kingdom of God through Him.

We believe that the whole world is our community and our family as people created by God; and that we are called to impact their lives and empower them to gain economic power, social power, emotional resilience, all round stability and wellbeing power; so they can live well and age well.

Leadership through Teamwork

Our leadership team is our valuable asset through which we reach out to the community, empower the parishioners, manage God’s resources, safeguard God’s assets in our care, and secure as far as possible the reliability of spiritual resources through which we minister the grace of God to all people.

Craig Groeschel

Senior Pastor

Following a vision God gave him and his wife Amy for a different kind of church, he and a handful of people launched.

Jerry Hurley

Pastor, Team Development Leader
Jerry is responsible for the team and cultural development at and helps shape the overall direction and leadership of the church.

Samantha Wiley

Pastor, Innovation Leader

Samantha is passionate about exploring new ideas and finding practical ways to leverage them for the global Church.

Sam Roberts

Pastor, Team Development Leader

Sam is directly responsible for the leadership of all physical locations and their staff teams, including Campus Pastors.

you are always welcome here!

Join us this Sunday

Our community makes us unique. They have an energy that reverberates around them. Their mission in life is to ensure the wonder in the world is not overlooked.

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